Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Argumentative Essay Topics For Election Season

Argumentative Essay Topics For Election SeasonEach and every year I attend the Festschrift Education forum in Germany, it is almost impossible to find a student who has not already heard their most recent topic. But for the lucky few, I have to disappoint them by only presenting some of the current topics for argumentative essay topics.This year I had a lot of options of topic for my essay, and I really could have chosen to not spend any time thinking about what topic to write next. It was a nice change to explore the possibilities for new topics for argumentative essay topics, but after the discussion with my class I realized that for me there were only two options available: discussing issues surrounding current events, or discussing some perennial philosophical issues. For my country's upcoming elections I went with the former topic, as I believed it would be easier to get a broader range of students interested in it than the latter one.As far as political analysis goes, I really found some problems in the current information provided to us about the upcoming elections. On one hand, many politicians had denied that their party was going to change the way the government works, even though polls showed that voters are very concerned with this subject. And on the other hand, there were many politicians that spoke about the upcoming elections as a guarantee for the success of the country.This lack of information seemed to make the students extremely excited about the topic of election and debated some interesting topics and finally came up with their own ideas. One of the students thought that there should be some sort of power grid regulation for our electricity companies, another said that he thought that it would be good to have a centralized database of people who are doing business in the country, and so on. After some discussions I decided to choose the topic of political analysis by discussing the ideas presented.My objective during the discussion was to reach out to the students that I had known that could think deeply about the topic of political analysis. Some of them seemed more worried about the safety of the country's electricity and did not really feel like discussing it, but others were very interested in the subject and considered the topic interesting.After the discussion I read a student an example of a direct action campaign or a campaign against nuclear plants, and they almost fell off their seats from surprise. The fact that such subjects, such as these, are discussed at all during political classes seems to give all students a great feeling about their country and our future.In order to reach all of the students, I decided to reach out to the ones who wanted to discuss election issues, and spent the whole period reading out loud from a book of questions and topics for argumentative essay topics. I think this worked because it had a greater impact on them and they were able to communicate with the class in a different way than they have in the past.Discussing election issues and finding solutions for them will always be a part of the argumentative essay topics for next year. And I am sure that there will be many debates and discussions.

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